Monday, March 19, 2007

Sites of Interest, and a little news

Here are a few sites that might be of interest to those who read my blog:

Write A First Novel
The World According to Boring John
Deep Genre
The Web's Most Humongous Collection of Writing Quotes

There are quite a few more sites I could post here, and I'll probably do so in the future. These are just ones that I look at regularly.

On a side note, I've received my first two rejections, from Little, Brown and Company, and from Harcourt. Both rejections are due to "too many familiar elements" in the story, as was my very first rejection from Sourcebooks. Basically, there are a couple of series out there already that have a youthful hero traveling to alternate universes. It's frustrating, because the reason there are similar stories out there is because it's POPULAR! And never mind the fact that my novel has far more UNIQUE story elements than it has similarities. What my story shares with theirs is the basic premise of alternate universes accessible from our own, and a young hero. That's it! The meat of my story is about a single father's journey to become closer to his troubled son, and help the boy turn his life around.

I'm not too concerned about it. That makes a grand total of three publishers who've seen my first novel, and three who have rejected it. There are several hundred more to choose from... one of them will get behind it!

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